Dental Implant Sedation - Somerville, MA

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Experience Extraordinary Care Without Fear

Dental implant surgery is generally a comfortable process for most patients. However, many patients avoid the care they need due to dental anxiety. Oral sedation may be the perfect answer to your dental fears. With Boston Implant Center’s oral sedation options in Somerville, MA, you can take back control of your dental health with comfortable, stress-free procedures.

With Boston Implant Center’s oral sedation options in Somerville, MA, you can take back control of your dental health with comfortable, stress-free procedures.

sedation dentistry patient

How Oral Sedation Can Help You

Dental anxiety is a common concern for many, but with oral sedation options such as oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide, you’ll feel relaxed and calm during your dental visits and procedures. Oral conscious sedation is a safe and painless form of dental anesthesia that involves taking a carefully calculated dose of medication to achieve a drowsy state of relaxation. Unlike other approaches to oral sedation, you’ll stay awake and able to respond to questions, but enjoy a drowsy “twilight” state that will last throughout your procedure. Many of our patients are so comfortable, they even nap in the chair! Since this form of dental anesthesia lasts several hours, you’ll need a driver to take you home and will likely enjoy a nice nap after your appointment.

nitrous oxide patient

How Nitrous Oxide Sedation Can Help You

Nitrous oxide gas, also known as laughing gas, is another gentle form of dental anesthesia that can ease your fears and help you stay comfortable while you’re with us. Nitrous oxide is such a safe oral sedation option safe it’s often used for children and it can suppress an overactive gag reflex, improve the effectiveness of local anesthesia, and provide a state of complete calm without the need for downtime. If you opt for nitrous oxide on its own, you can enjoy your oral sedation experience, then go right back to your routine activities. You’ll even be able to drive yourself home afterward! With these forms of dental anesthesia, you can overcome your dental anxiety and receive the care you need in comfort.

Benefits of Oral Sedation

dental patient under sedation
doctor shaking hands with patient

Don’t Let Fear Stand In The Way of Your Dream Smile

You deserve to enjoy strong, functional dental implants and a smile you feel proud of. Dental fear can sometimes leave patients feeling powerless to get the care they need. With safe, effective, and affordable sedation anesthesia near you in Somerville, MA, Boston Implant Center is here to empower you to take control of your oral health and get the amazing dental office experience you’ve been looking for.

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